It’s time to give your health a spring clean!

Sep 14, 2020Being healthy, Uncategorized

Longer days, warmer weather and an abundance of blooms can only mean one thing, spring is in the air!

You might find the changing of the seasons brings with it inspiration to spring clean your health, your home, your wardrobe or your fridge. Decluttering different aspects of your life can be like a breath of fresh air. Consequently, this has a positive impact on your mental health and physical wellbeing. Here are our top tips on getting your spring clean underway.

Eat what’s in season

Spring brings with it a freshness in seasonal produce unlike any other season. Green vegetables such as asparagus, peas, bok choy, avocados, lettuce and so much more are in abundance, and make for a nice change from heavier winter dishes. From September we start to see fruits such as strawberries, citrus and melon varieties come into season, making it easy to get your recommended 2 & 5 a day!

Get some vitamin D

After what feels like months of hibernating indoors it’s time to get out and embrace the outdoors again! Grab your lunch and sit in a park to eat it, or make time to go for a 30 minute walk a day, or just sit and read a book outside and let the sun warm you from the inside out. When your skin is exposed to natural sunlight, it makes Vitamin D which is proven to play a vital role in facilitating normal immune system function, as well as helping with growth and development of bones and teeth, and improving your body’s resistance to certain diseases. It also has a positive impact on mental health, by regulating moods and fighting off depression. But remember, if you’re spending more time outdoors, don’t forget to follow the Cancer Council’s Slip, Slop, Slap, Seek, Slide guide.

Switch the gym for outdoor exercise

Chances are, by the end of winter motivation to get to the gym is most likely wavering. Throw in a stint or two of COVID-19 isolation and it’s potentially non existent! Sometimes changing it up can be all you need to bring the motivation back, so consider switching up your routine to get back into the habit of regular physical activity. Spring is the perfect time to embrace the outdoors and can be as simple as going for a run, walk, ride or joining an outdoor yoga or bootcamp class. Try starting with 20 minutes, and increasing from there, we guarantee you won’t regret that fresh air feeling!

Detox your wardrobe

If your wardrobe is bursting at the seams with items you haven’t worn in years, it might be time for a declutter! It will be amazing how light you’ll feel after a good cleanse, and seeing those donation bags head out the door can also be really rewarding. Even just packing away your winter woolies and coats will increase optimism and anticipation for the warmer weather on the horizon. You might even find some gems in the back of the closet you forgot existed!

Clean out your fridge

Similarly to your wardrobe, your fridge could probably use a good old cleanse too. Check all use by dates, and try to replace processed food with as much spring freshness as possible. If you’ve been indulging in winter comfort foods, spring is a great opportunity to get rid of them! If they’re not right in front of you, you’re far less likely to be tempted. Consider following this informative guide on how to stack your fridge correctly to keep food fresher for longer.

Do something for yourself

You shouldn’t need a change in season to make time for yourself, but if it’s been a while since you’ve treated yourself let this be a reminder to put your own wellbeing back on your radar. Taking time for yourself is proven to increase your performance in other areas, and improve your overall mood and wellbeing, which in turn reflects on those around you. Book yourself in for a massage, go and see a movie, or just let yourself sleep in on the weekend are just some simple ways to take care of yourself. Learn more about how taking care of yourself and staying well are so important for your mental and physical wellbeing on the Beyond Blue website.


Implementing one or more of these tips into your daily life will have you feeling fresh, cleansed and ready to take on spring! So, what are you waiting for?